Ruben Taelman

My name is Ruben Taelman. I am a postdoctoral researcher at IDLab, imec, Ghent University with a focus on investigating decentralized Web querying and publication techniques for Linked Data.

My goal is to bring query execution over the Web closer to the end-user, so that people become more empowered in how they can find and use data. To enable this, I focus on the research area of query execution over decentralized environments.

The Web and programming in general have always been a great fascination for me, as can be seen from the different projects I am working on. I am a proponent of openness, which is why I aim to open-source all my projects whenever possible.

To spread my passion for the Web to the broader world, I am a co-lecturer of the Web Development course at Ghent University, where I teach students about topics such as Web Browsers and Web Scripting. These lectures follow the flipped classroom model, where all videos and other materials are available online for free.

Next to my main job as a researcher, I also take up small freelancing tasks during my free time. If you're interested in hiring me for something, feel free to contact me.

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