The Adventures with Components.js

Ruben Taelman

KNoWS, 20 January 2022

The Adventures
with Components.js

Ghent University – imec – IDLab, Belgium

Story that spans nearly 5 years

Ruben Verborgh, Sarven Capadisli, Joachim Van Herwegen, Miel Vander Sande

Components.js: semantic dependency injection framework

  "@context": [...],
  "@id": "urn:my-package:myInstance",
  "@type": "QueryEngine",
  "actors": [
    { "@type": "SelectOperator" },
    { "@type": "UnionOperator" },
    { "@type": "ConstructOperator" },

→ Instantiation into JavaScript objects at runtime

April 2017: Birth of the idea

May 2017: Collaboration with Sarven

July 2017: Reject 1

May 2018: Reject 2

2018 - 2021: The period we gave up...

2021: Let's try a journal

2021: Let's try a journal

October 2021: First review round

January 2022: Second review round

Lessons learned