Comunica: a Modular SPARQL Query Engine
for the Web

Ruben Taelman

ISWC 2018, 11 October 2018

Comunica: a Modular SPARQL Query Engine
for the Web

Ghent University – imec – IDLab, Belgium

Querying Linked Data on the Web
is a multifaceted story

This variety of facets leads to comparability problems

Alternative algorithms are implemented in different engines → unfair!

Need for a flexible query engine
where various querying techniques
can be implemented and compared

Need for a flexible engine to compare alternative algorithms

Need for a flexible query engine
where various querying techniques
can be implemented and compared

Modularity using the actor model

Logic is separated into different actors.

Each actor independently performs a specific task.

Actors can be combined for solving more complex tasks.

Actors subscribe to task-specific buses.

Mediators are responsible for selecting an actor to solve a certain task.

Example: Parse as fast as possible

Modules are wired together through semantic configuration files

Components.js: a semantic dependency injection framework.

Configuration files declare and parameterize actors, mediators and buses.

Implementation details

Current features

Federate over any set of sources
from your browser

Using Comunica